Of course, it was beautiful and relaxing...we stayed one night and it was cozy in our bungalow with a fireplace even! Too bad the matches were completely wet from all the humidity. Luckily a friend had a lighter and we were able to stay warm. VERY chilly in those mountains!
What I really enjoyed seeing was all the Guatemalans also enjoying the natural wonders of their country. (as is the case I'm finding everywhere in Guatemala). Sometimes we take for granted the beauty that surrounds us in San Diego or elsewhere in the states (well I know I do...I can go a whole year without visiting Wind and Sea...¡Que lastima!), but here, the people really enjoy their country and all it has to offer.
The fotos after the hot springs are of the farm village, Zunil. It was awesome watching them sell the vegetables and fruits. The trucks just kept coming and dropping off their goods, one right after another. And talk about fast...Guatemalans can unload a truckload faster than you can say lickitysplit! Enjoy!
Church in Zunil.
Okay...here's a little game for you...'FIND THE GRINGO'. Just like Where's Waldo...see if you can spot the gringo...it gets easier with each photo! ¡Buena Suerte!
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