Monteverde in 23 hours!Step 1: Hop on a bus with MonteVerde in the front window from San Jose, CR.

Step 2: Wait 3 hours while your bus is broken down, 22 km from your destination.

Drink a few beers while waiting.

Step 3: Wait some more after the rescue bus breaks down as well!

Step 4: Finally get into MonteVerde, secure a $5 room across from the bus station at Hotel MonteVerde.

Step 5: Book your activities with 100% Adventura tour group in the same hotel.
Step 6: Later, enjoy a meal at the Tree House restaurant.

Step 7: After a good nights sleep, jump in a mini-bus to start your adventure.

Step 8: Begin your day with a nature walk. Pay attention while your guide Javier explains everything about plants and animals in the rain/cloud forest.

Step 9: Cross over 12 different suspension bridges.

Step 10: Be amazed by strangler trees.(they surround a kill the tree that used to be in the middle) This is the view up the middle of the tree from the bottom.

And me climbing up and through it to the next suspension bridge.

Step 11: Strap on some zipline/rappeling gear. (Me and Aussie-Helen Gilbert )

Step 12: Have a great time zip lining through the canopies, rappeling downwards and even doing a free-fall tarzan swing. <--VERY fun!!!

Don't worry too much that your guides laugh at your technique! :-)

Take the obligatory photo with your guide, Carlos.

Step 13: After your tour, grab some really good, really quick, 8 minute pizza at Natsha's place two doors down from your hotel before...

boarding your bus back to San Jose.

That's it! MonteVerde in 23 hours. Arrived at 3:30pm, Thursday, January 24 and left at 2:30pm the next day. But boy oh boy...what an adventure!!! Simple, easy and well worth the 5 hour bus ride each way with a 3 hour breakdown-beer break! I highly recommend the trip to MonteVerde, Costa Rica!!
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