First...let me answer a question that I've been asked more than twice since I've been back.
The ANSWER: No. Not really. Cautious at times, but not scared. To be honest...I've been more scared sitting here in this "It's a Grind", coffee house, in downtown San Diego, than I was in any city, town or pueblo I was in.
I'm sitting here in San Diego, updating my blog using their wi-fi connection, which I did countless times in Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. I've been more scared to leave my computer here on the table while I go to the potty...for fear some schmuck, loser, American is gonna walk by, see my computer, run in to the shop, grab my computer, and run out, than ANY time I used my computer abroad.
Second scare while I've been here...some weird crazy person came into the coffee shop and is acting really weird! Scary weird. Then a cop came in a couple minutes after and I thought something was gonna far the crazy person is apparently ordering something, so maybe it's all good, but I'm still on edge...MORE SO than in ANY place I've traveled.
So, no, not really, have I been scared. explain why I switched my pocket book was about to hemohrage, I was physical and mentally tired and didn't think I'd get out of Europe what I wanted to or be able to see all that I want to decided to slow down, and go back to two places I wanted to see more of, that also very nicely compliments my bank accounts. :-)
Okay...and now to complete the last blog post of my second leg of travel (which was from the beginning of March-but got neglected due to the demands of Machu Picchu)...all the photos below need captions. However, I've been here in the coffee shop now about 4 hours and I'm a little tired. (I know...again!)
So...for now, feel free to take a look at the photos, but know the captions are coming soon.
Plus...the crazy person is still in here, has picked a table, then moved to the couch. Is making weird sounds and laughing really loud to himself/herself (can't tell which) and looking at people weird...good time to pack up and get out, I think.
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