This is the path to Cerro de la Cruz on the north side of Antigua. Apparently, it's a little risky to do the short 15 minute hike on your own as you may encounter people who would like to take your things! So, it's necessary to go with a group, escorted by the tourist police - a free service that the city of Antigua provides. From atop the hill, you can see the whole city...quite a view!
This last picture here is of La Iglesia de San Francisco. The church is about a block from the house I'm staying in. The bells ring EVERY morning at 5:30, again at 6:00, again at 6:30 and a various times throughout the day. Right AT THIS MOMENT (6:45pm) as I'm typing, they are chiming again! I didn't bring an alarm clock, so in the AM, it's a good thing.
Thursday, looks like some of us from the school will be hiking the Pacaya Volcano which apparently is active and has visible flowing lava.
This weekend we may go to Lake Atitlan. More on that later! :-)
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