View from Panajachel
Menu del Dia meal in Pana 25Quetzals(approximately $3.00 US)
Sunday morning we hopped on our first "chicken" bus (local use these everywhere in Guatemala and the drivers haul they are really cheap!) The ride there was quick with not too many people on the bus. The ride back was entirely a different story, with people practically sitting on top of one another. The picture will show that we stood the whole way back. Jokingly we said to the guy taking the money, "donde estan las cervezas?" We had the people, the music, atmosphere, only thing missing from the party was the beer! Great shopping in Chichi and so much to look at and admire. Too bad this blog doesn't have a smell-a-vision option. Just imagine!
Yarn for all those Guatemalan Like my new hairdo?? This guy is actually using an AXE keepsakes. to chop this meat in a carniceria in Chichi!!
Need to buy a chicken? How bout a turkey?
Church in ChiChi
The electricity often goes out in entire towns in Guatemala. Hmmm...I wonder why?!?
Me and Jana (yawn-a - from Germany)
on the chicken bus!
This past Thursday, Sept 6, we hiked Pacaya, an active volcano about an hour outside of Antigua.
I'll try and post some of those photos tomorrow. For now...gotta run. Laura, one of the gals staying in the same house is leaving tomorrow and we're celebrating her last night here. Adios!
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