Thursday, November 15, 2007

Half way between Merida and Cancun, you'll find Valladolid from which it's very easy to visit Chichen Itza and some cool cenotes (underground sink holes filled with crystal clear water--doesn't sound good, but they're very cool).
Waiting for my bus in Merida to Valladolid.

I'm telling you, these taco stands offer some of the best food at BY FAR the best prices!! I can't remember the last time I ate in a "proper" restaurant.

Not too much in Valladolid except traffic. But, it's a good base for Chichen Itza and a nice way to break up a much longer bus ride from Merida to Cancun.

Rented a bike for three hours to get out to the cenotes (below). 20 pesos ($2 bucks...that's TOTAL, not per hour!) ¡ME AMO MEXICO!

I swam in this one--pretty tough to get good photos underground. Sorry. Just something you gotta see in person.
I had this one all to myself...well, except for the fish!

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