Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Journal Entry--March 4, 2008

Sorry, no pictures for this update...I've got a couple, but they're pretty much crap. However, here's my journal entry during the bus ride from Cuenca, Ecuador to Loja, Ecuador (approx: 6 hours)

"We've now been driving for 4 1/2 hours and we just encountered a land slide that blocked the WHOLE road-unfortunately I couldn't get a photo- Now we're on a dirt road a few hundred meters back from the slide. We'll see what happens now."

Later... "I can't believe how close we were to the eroded edge just a few moments ago!! Even the locals on the bus are scared shitless! They're watching the road out in front of us as we go. NOW I know why they all do that Jesus of the cross thing as we leave the terminal! (whatever it's called!) You know, forehead, heart, left sholder, right sholder, kiss the fingers movement?
Riding these buses would make nearly anyone go running for God!"

Later... "We've now been on this dirt road for 40 minutes. We just slowed down, well stopped actually. I can't believe what I'm seeing. The bus attendant guy is actually getting out and making an offering or dropping off a prayer or something at one of those alters you see everywhere along the roadside! Holy Shit! I'm actually enjoying this...but only in the way someone would enjoy it and laugh about it AFTER they already survived and made it to their destination!"

Well...I did make it to Loja, and amazingly or crazily, then opted to get onto another bus for another 1 1/2 hour ride to my desired destination of Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Whew! Another bus ride survived!!! :-)

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